My name is Sophie Daubisse-Reznichek. I was dancing even before walking. For the past 20 years I have been exploring life mostly through the lens of conscious movement with contemporary dance and 5Rhythms. I am a 5Rhythms certified teacher. Life is a dance and the body is its expression. The body, the mental, the heart dance together all the time. A communication beyond words, a feeling without explanation. When we limit this dance to the mental, our life freezes and becomes unbalanced fed by the illusion that the more we think about it, the softer our life will be. Our body in motion is the way to soften our life. It is a sanctuary that has a lot to tell us if only we listen. Come with me. I’ll take you there.
Moreover, my passion for people and connections, lead me to dedicate almost 15 years of my life organizing events and festivals around conscious living. I am happy to share this experience with you.
I am a proud mother of 2 boys who have been and will always be my life's main teachers.
Together, let’s search and find our life in balance : vitaEquilibrium

When we think our emotions, intellectualize our gut feelings, justify our reactions, and mute our body signals, the mind becomes a control tower, the emotions become crystallized, the body stops moving - life loses balance.
We are amazing beings of perfect design; an ensemble of centres: the guts, the heart, the head - connected, conscious, and alive with the potential to be in balance.
Our bodies not only breathe, grow and move us from place to place, they also carry within us the legacy of all our experiences: a nervous system that senses and protects, a heart that opens up or closes down, a head that learns and remembers. We are embodied mind beings.
vitaEquilibrium organizes sessions, retreats and workshop, integrating various modalities to its core practices so that participants can experience a real equilibrium where head, body, emotions and sensations take turns on the ''driving seat''.
vitaEquilibrium fundamentally believes in the power of empiricism where learning and understanding happens through experience. The rest is simple information.